[WEBCAST] CA IDMS Visual DBA: Address Skills Challenges – September 2018

This video is a replay of the CA IDMS Community webcast on September 17, 2018.

Do you currently leverage CA IDMS Visual DBA in your environment to ease the learning curve for users who may be new to CA IDMS?

How familiar are you with CA IDMS Visual DBA?

CA IDMS Visual DBA is a robust, comprehensive tool that enables you to view and manage CA IDMS objects from a single, object-oriented graphical user interface (GUI). Because of the use of customizable profiles, it allows an end-user, a programmer, a security administrator, a DC administrator, a data administrator, and a database administrator (DBA) to perform their essential, everyday tasks quickly with an easy-to-use, intuitive, graphical user interface with distinct levels of security for each different role.

Learn more in the community: https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-idms-iua-eiua
idms, visual dba, gui
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