July 2017 - ARD Community Webcast - Creating Test Cases with CA ARD

Replay of the ARD community webcast that was held on July 26th 2017. Access the webcast recap here: https://communities.ca.com/docs/DOC-231176177

Title: Creating Test Cases with CA Agile Requirements Designer

Presenter: Walter Guerrero

This Web Series Session will cover how a typical user will go about creating CA ARD (Agile Requirement Designer) test cases. During this session, we will discuss CA ARD, the creation of a typical test cases and the best practices used for the creation of the ARD test cases.
Quick overview of CA ARD (Agile Requirements Designer)
Creation of test cases
CA ARD test case creation best practices.

By the end, you will understand and know how to create an ARD test case and its execution.
ca ard, ca agile requirements designer, ca communities
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