[REPLAY] July 2018 CA Plex and CA 2E Community Meeting: New CA Plex Roadmap -- July 2018

Replay of CA Plex CA 2E Community webcast on July 11, 2018.

If you are user of CA Plex you will not want to miss this community event as the CA Plex Product Manager will be presenting and taking feedback on the New CA Plex Roadmap. The CA Plex team has been working through the backlog and we think we finally have a great balance of features that will enhance the usability of CA Plex.

For CA 2E customers we plan on having a Community Sponsored “Lightning” presentations on Tips and Tricks.

We are always looking for community members that have favorite Tips and Tricks to share if you are interested please let us know and we will schedule you for a future Community Meeting. The Community is a place to share and I am sure your fellow customers would love to hear about what you have tried and the successes that you can share.

Visit the community for more: https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-plex-ca-2e
ca technologies, ca communities, ca plex
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