The DCS-9500T Thermal Camera Solution from D-Link

The COVID-19 situation means businesses worldwide must rapidly change the way they work. In order to better protect employees and other customers, temperature screening is becoming increasingly commonplace.

D-Link has created a temperature screening solution: the DCS-9500T Thermographic camera and accompanying Black Body. The solution allows businesses to rapidly and with precision scan body temperatures, even busy entrances, with the ability to scan up to 30 people at one time. Body temperature can be measured to an impressive accuracy of ±3°C.

It features dual imaging:
A 400 x 300 Thermal Imaging Camera
A 1920 x 1080p Visible Light Camera

When the camera detects an unexpected temperature, audible and visual alarms alert those who need to know so that steps can be taken to aid in preventing further spreading of disease.

Discover more about the DCS-9500T:

#thermalcamera #dlink #covid19
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