July 2013 CA July 2013 - PAM Webcast Replay -- PAM integration with Workload Auto AE & ServiceNow

Here is the replay information for the CA Process Automation User Community Webcast on July 24, 2013.


This presentation will show how Nike plans to use CA Process Automation to integrate the CA Workload Automation AE (Autosys Edition) with Servicenow. The presentation will cover the following topics:

1. a short update on the background on how current process works
2. the business case for the project including the expected benefits and ROI once the project is implemented
3. a discussion on the design of the technical solution, including the scope, the integration points and level of effort
4. we will also go over the timelines involved and phases of the project
5. a brief discussion on the application of this solution with other third party products similar to Servicenow, for example Remedy and Quality Center
6. then the conclusion and time for further questions and answers.

Louis Vandenberg of Nike presented.
ca technologies, process automation, automation
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