NETGEAR How To | Block Websites| (Orbi RBK850)

In this video, we will show you how to block sites with NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls.

Before we begin, make sure you have successfully installed and connected your Orbi Wi-Fi Router to your Orbi mobile app and have subscribed to the Smart Parental Controls Premium plan.

To begin, Tap the Parental Controls tile on your App Dashboard.

Tap on the Profile you would like to manage.

Enter the Usage Tab.

This is where you can see a list of daily time spent for a variety of Apps, Websites, or categories.

To adjust access, Select any App or Website.

Tap the Icon and select Not Allowed. This setting will block all access to the App, Website or category.

In addition, Allowed allows the devices assigned to this profile to access the app, website, or category.
Tracking History and Usage count towards any Time Limits set.

Unlimited allows access without restrictions. While not tracking any History nor Usage nor counting tow.

To manage your restrictions, Tap Site Manager.

For more information on the NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls , visit

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