E.ON Reduces OpEx With Cloud-Native Flexibility

E.ON is one of the largest energy companies in Europe, providing intelligent energy solutions to nearly 50 million customer. For their teams to be productive and meet the needs of customers, E.ON needed to deliver a secure and scalable network that would guarantee uptime and simplify onboarding of new customers.

- True cloud-native solution that facilitates a reliable, secure, and scalable network
- Simplify and expedite operations to better serve end customers

"Extreme really came into the picture when we were looking for a solution that was cloud-native. We see the end users, where they are, how they are connected, and we get a lot of transparency as to performance. Consolidating that and looking at the options Extreme gives us is something that we use on a daily basis to optimize." - Kim Dengs, Head of Network Services, E.ON

Extreme Solutions
- ExtremeCloud™ IQ
- Extreme Wireless™
- Extreme Switching™

- Seamless Operation
- Simplified Network Management
- Reduced Operation Costs

See more customer stories: https://www.extremenetworks.com/about-extreme-networks/our-customers/extreme-customers-stories-dyk
Extreme Networks
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