CA Workload Automation AE r11.3.6 SP7 and WCC r11.4 SP6 Training (Part 2)

Part two of this two-part series about CA Workload Automation AE R11.3.6 SP7 and WCC R11.4 SP6 included demonstrations of:

Integration with One Automation for Event Management
Integration of AE with Remote Engineer and Telemetry
Administer job level security with new action
Web Service Enhancements
Increase in AE Object limits
Case insensitive search for the description field
Domain authentication for Informatica jobs
Global variable support for additional job attributes for Web Services, HDFS, Informatica, SQL Server job type
Improved Install and Upgrade Experience
Prechecks for supported/non-supported platforms and Database
Precheck for availability of ports and hostname
Database client checks
Manually created instances
Support for Platforms and Databases
Native Amazon and Azure database support
Windows Server 2016
PeopleSoft Adapter certification
ae, autosys, workload automation
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