January 2017 - DevTest Community Webcast - CA SV & CA TDM Integration

Replay of the DevTest community webcast that was held on January 18, 2017.

Integrating CA Service Virtualization with the CA TDM Portal helps you to update running virtual services with realistic, representative virtual data, which lets you cover a wide variety of the possible testing scenarios. You push the generated Request-Response (RR) pairs into a running virtual service, augmenting your virtual service with the synthetic data that is similar to the production data. Some of the benefits that this integration provides are:

Provides on-demand environments without risking non-compliance, because no live data is exposed.
Removes the need to create or maintain manual data for virtual services.
Provides uninterrupted access to the up-to-date environments to the distributed teams. This continuity enables them to deliver fully tested applications.
Avoids project delays by simulating unavailable or incomplete components.
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