Conquer DB2 Optimization Video

Are you losing sleep over the need to continually improve DB2 database performance? Database optimization tasks can help increase performance, scalability, platform support, standards compliance, and usability. But these techniques can be difficult to process, build, test, and deploy. Rest assured there is a solution. Discover how you can optimize performance and simplify operations to unlock the power and value of your DB2 data, while reducing costs and risk. Join CA Technologies hosts - Vikas Sinha, Sr Vice President, Database Management and DJ Joshi, Sr Principal Product Manager, Database Management - as they reveal new enhancements and features such as zIIP exploitation and IDAA support. Is your DB2 database being used to its fullest potential? Find out in this 4-part video series.

Database Administrators struggle to build, test and deploying new DB2 database functions while in parallel optimizing performance. In this segment, they discuss DB2 optimization challenges and opportunities
IBM DB2 (Software), Software (Industry)
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