Containers: This decade's biggest innovation?

If you've read any tech blogs in the past few years, you'll certainly have seen rapturous exaltations about containers and Kubernetes. But does this decade's big innovation live up to the hype?

This week, host Michael Bird takes us back to basics to explore the dynamic world of containers from the ground up, from Docker to Kubernetes. Google Advocate Kaslin Fields explains the who, the what, the why, and the how, of this small, yet mighty innovation.

Not just a handy tool for DevOps teams, Chris Ibbitson explains why organisations should start evaluating containers, and demystifies microservices, the 12 factors, and cloud-native methodologies. Plus, Stuart Anderson talks implementation and scaling, and how containers have shaken their insecure image.

The long show notes for this episode can be found here:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
HPE, artificial intelligence, edge to cloud
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