August 2012 - CA APM Webcast Replay - CA APM 9.1 Features Presentation

Session 2


You've heard about CA APM 9.1's game changing features such as unified network and end-user experience application management that provides a 360-degree view of application performance. And if you think that's cool, you'll love some of APM 9.1's other features that will make your job of application monitoring and management easier and more efficient. Join us for this Webcast to learn about all the improvements in APM 9.1 and you'll surely agree this is our greatest release ever. Raj Marripalli and Andrew Yeung from CA Product Management will be presenting this webcast.

Features covered:

- Improved Java Garbage Collection monitoring for better application performance
- Performance improvements to the .NET agent
- Enhancements to the Application Triage Map that makes problem resolution quicker and reduces finger pointing
- Improved Enterprise Manager for easier status monitoring
- Improved ability to diagnose applications or processes that are hogging memory and slowing performance
- A new interface for monitoring the performance characteristics the APM enterprise manager and reporting agents
wily, apm, webcast
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