DIY Data Center Automation Survey: Challenges/Opportunities for CSPs, Enterprises, & Cloud Providers

Data centers have become ever more complex and critical to most businesses. Automation is crucial to securely and reliably manage them at speed and scale.

Many organizations employ a DIY approach to automate their DC networking infrastructure using substantial in-house development resources and a variety of available open-source tools and technologies. These organizations went down the DIY path with expectations of cost and time-savings, but this approach often proves to be more expensive and operationally complex than using off-the-shelf DC automation solutions.

Juniper Networks teamed up with Analysys Mason to conduct an industry survey of CSPs, Enterprises, and Cloud Providers to uncover the reality of taking a DIY approach.

Learn more about CSP Data Center Network Automation Strategies for 5G, Edge and Advanced Enterprise Services:
Juniper Networks
DIY, DC Automation, Analysys Mason Survey
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