Personalizing Engagement at Stadium Scale

Getting the fan experience right isn’t just about mobile applications. There’s a symphony of movement happening behind the scenes operationally that’s just as important to the fan experience and just as reliant on Wi-Fi.

Similar to a football play, where 11 specialized players must move in unison to meet an objective, creating the seamless fan experience requires a seamless staff experience as well. That’s why Kraft Group employees are connected as soon as they arrive on the stadium grounds. The tools they use also are connected to Wi-Fi, and that reliable, connected experience is just as necessary to them as it is to the fans’.

“When our employees get off of a shuttle bus, they’re able to jump on the Wi Fi network to clock in to hit our employee applications for checking purposes. And then over half of our point-of-sale terminals are attached to the Wi Fi network, which expands our reach profoundly.” –Michael Israel, CIO, The Kraft Group

The ability to extend one’s reach is the transformational impact that Wi-Fi has had. And it’s important to note that guests and employees alike rely on the same wireless network to successfully interact across the nearly 2 million square feet of Gillette Stadium.

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Extreme Networks
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