Edge Cloud – Monetizing Your Beachfront Property

Edge computing will drive new services and applications, cost-optimize end-user devices and consoles and improve the service experience for customers. Eager to capitalize on the opportunity, operators are actively developing edge cloud architectures to entice application developers and develop a lucrative edge cloud service. Regardless of the path taken to deploy a distributed edge cloud, learning how to quickly monetize the edge is the holy grail to a quick ROI and long-term revenues. Join this webinar to learn about edge cloud deployment alternatives and innovative ways to monetize the edge. Topics covered will include:
• Market dynamics and drivers for edge cloud distribution
• Evaluating DIY vs. managed edge cloud deployment models
• How to monetize your edge real estate – "beachfront property"
• Delivering deep edge CDN services to realize immediate revenues
• Developing a lucrative developer and public cloud ecosystem
• Demo - deploying an edge cloud workload

Learn more: https://www.juniper.net/us/en/solutions/service-provider/
Juniper Networks
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