Simplify Access for Single Page Apps with OpenID Connect - August 23, 2018

Simplify Access for Single Page Apps with OpenID Connect

Single Page Applications (SPAs) are the preferred style of applications for providing a responsive user experience to your customers. That’s why you need a modern access management strategy that’s easy to use while also enhancing your security and end-user’s experience. Queue OpenID Connect.

Join CA Security product leaders Herbert Mehlhorn and Ravi Kanukollu on August 23rd for an overview of how CA Single Sign-On incorporates support for OpenID Connect to simplify access for Single Page Applications, with topics including:

Step-up authentication
Implicit flows
Attribute mapping
Introspection endpoint, and more

Deliver the superior digital experience your end users want, with the cost-effective infrastructure that your business needs.
2018, august, webcast
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