Trainers: Improvise, Adapt & Grow

Trainers: Improvise, Adapt & Grow, Victor Kemp (Voxtelecom, South Africa). Trainers: Improvise, Adapt & Grow
For all who are interested in becoming a MikroTik trainer, the presentation to follow will give some idea of what is involved, along with some of the challenges and rewards.
Part 1
Brief description in what is involved in becoming a trainer from my perspective.
Lobbying for company approval
Deciding on which TTT to attend
Getting to Latvia
Experiences in Latvia
The course, The trainer, the class

Part 2
Setting up a training session
Plan calendar and advertise
Waiting for bookings and some of the questions we receive

Part 3
The Venue and its challenges
Finding, booking, approval, etc
Does it meet the needs?
Arriving early to check and prep
Internet, WiFi, food, beverages
Seating, power, facilities

Part 4
Class starts
On time? Hah!
Murphy’s law
Equipment malfunctions
Students setting up

Part 5
Classroom challenges
The Bright vs the Not So Bright
Challenges your knowledge Challenges your patience
1-3 anecdotes more anecdotes

Part 6
The Exam and Certification
The talk
Technical challenges
Tears and Joy

To be a successful trainer is to learn how to Improvise, Adapt and Grow.
. PDF:
mikrotik, routerboard, routeros
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