Inside IT: Transforming Sales Productivity with Social Collaboration | Intel

IT Best Practices: Episode 75 -- In order to keep up with the velocity of business, Intel IT has partnered with the company's Sales and Marketing team to create a social collaboration platform. It's a powerful set of tools designed to enhance individual productivity and open up the collective intelligence of the sales organization. Two people key to the creation of the platform are Doug Childs, who manages a service in IT that supports Sales and Marketing with IT solutions, and Jim Woodruff, Director of Sales Transformation within Intel's Sales and Marketing Group. In this podcast we hear from Childs and Woodruff about the need for a social collaboration framework, the development of a strategy to implement that framework, and the future of this collaboration at Intel.

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Inside IT: Transforming Sales Productivity With Social Collaboration | Intel
inside it transforming sales productivity with social collaboration, signed, enhance individual productivity
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