January 2015 - APM Community Webcast - Node.js Monitoring with Strongloop

Replay of the APM Global Community Webcast held on January 15th 2015.

APIs are driving the new frontedge – inclusive of mobile, tablets, wearables, web browsers, sensors, et al by providing rich backend data access in a flexible interface. These APIs are being increasingly generated using API frameworks, which act as “super glue” tying together the endpoints of disparate enterprise systems and data sources, and then exposing them in a uniform API to all clients.

Node.js is emerging as the best positioned and most popular technology for API development. Node.js is essentially server side javascript which runs inside Google’s V8 container on most platforms including Linux, Solaris, Windows, etc.

CA APM team partnered with StrongLoop to deliver CA APM Collector for Node.js that provides an E.P.I.C. solution for enterprises running Node.js applications database to identify and resolve Node.js performance issues and integrate the application performance metrics into CA APM for intelligent analytics, alerting and visibility on a single dashboard. StrongLoop is the biggest contributor to Node.js core and maintains the widely used API and Web frameworks like Express.js and Loopback.io in addition to 100 opensource projects.

Join Shubhra Kar of StrongLoop Arc in this webcast to get an overview and demo of the joint solution for Node.js monitoring .
Node.js (Software), Strongloop, Application Performance Management
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