Gang of Geeks - Tribeca Cinemas

Calling all next-generation networkers! The Palo Alto Networks Gang of Geeks Roadshow is coming to a city near you, and it's your opportunity to get educated on all the benefits of a true next-gen security platform.
At every roadshow, you'll be able to join Palo Alto Networks technical experts to:
Broaden your vision with real-world use cases and security practices from your peers
Sharpen your technical senses with demos on perimeter, data center, cyberthreats and mobile security
Strengthen your company's security posture while reducing your workload
Be the first to know about exclusive industry research and reporting on state of the network security landscape
Enjoy a meal with your peer technical geniuses
The Geeks are on the road. See below where they are traveling next and click on the links to join them. Watch this space for updates as we confirm more Geek roadshows all over the world.

For more information:
Palo Alto Networks
Gang of Geeks, IT, Palo Alto Networks
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