SSO:Rest Ensuring a Bright Future for CA Single Sign On in a Cloudy World – July 16, 2018

SSO/Rest: Ensuring a Bright Future for CA Single Sign-On in a Cloudy World

The richness of Web Access Management (WAM) is critical to your organization. So is your cloud first strategy. Join IDF Connect CEO and veteran IAM architect Richard Sand for an overview of SSO/Rest, a pioneering technology that improves the way enterprise WAM works with cloud-based applications.

The key takeaways will include:

How SSO/Rest can provide opportunities for new services, and yield savings in integration and operational cost.
How SSO/Rest improves the ability for CA Single Sign-On to handle platforms and applications in the cloud and hybrid clouds.
Why settle for federation? Discover how SSO/Rest lets you keep CA Single Sign-On’s full web access management capabilities.
A new frontier: using CA Single Sign-On to provide WAM as a managed service.
2018, july, sso
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