Driving Business Value with Experience-First Networking – #AIinAction 2023

Juniper’s goal with AI from day one has always been to enable organizations to deploy networks faster, at lower cost and with fewer mistakes than any technology in the market. At #AIinAction, GVP of AI-Driven Enterprise Sales, Tom Wilburn, discusses how Juniper is delivering excellent AI business outcomes for our customers with Experience-First Networking and more.

Learn more about Juniper’s AI-driven solutions: https://www.juniper.net/us/en/products/mist-ai.html

Get access to more AI in Action 2023 on-demand sessions: https://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/ai-in-action.html

00:00 Introduction
0:43 The History of Mist
2:46 Identifying Problems to Solve
5:22 Wi-Fi Industry Pivots
9:30 Picking the Right Cloud & AI
10:29 Focusing on Outcomes
12:51 Can Mist AI Really Make a Difference?
14:08 How AI Delivers Business Outcomes
17:58 Focusing on Experience-First Networking
18:55 Marvis Actions Capabilities
20:03 Juniper is a Leader in Wired and Wireless
20:32 Taking the Leap to Cloud
22:02 Closing Statements
Juniper Networks
Juniper, Juniper Networks, Juniper Networks Inc
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