How to Build a Culture of Collaboration across Agile Teams

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In loving honor of Jean Tabaka: Nov. 9, 1954 – June 6, 2016

The key to agile is collaboration. Disciplined collaboration across agile teams leads to greater harmony throughout your organization and speeds your ability to deliver innovation in today’s market. For more information, visit:

How do you make the most effective decisions when reacting to market pressures? When you’re agile, the answer is collaboration.

Because it’s only through collaboration that we can make truly effective, sustainable decisions driven by collective organizational knowledge.

So what’s at the core of collaboration in Agile organizations?

It’s the ability for Agile teams to make their own decisions about their work, their abilities, and their commitments together, instead of relying on a single person to make those decisions.

By bringing these teams together, they can dig out the important information that may be hidden in their organization’s vaults.

Of course, collaboration doesn’t belong solely to the agile environment—but it is more critical to Agile success.

That’s because collaboration feeds transparency, which creates focus, and most importantly, alignment.

And alignment is essential for Agile teams, giving them the ability to prioritize actions that consistently deliver the highest value.

Now, you may be thinking, “Doesn’t collaboration just slow us down?”

Well, clumsy, drawn-out meetings that demand groupthink sure do.

Agile collaboration centers on well-facilitated dialogue that ensures all voices in the room are heard and valued. And creates a group that works together through constructive conflict to build trust and safety.

It’s this trust that leads to the most sustainable, actionable decisions—from the team level through the program level, and out into your organization as a whole.

So, as you move to Agile, make sure your collaboration works by clarifying what it means when teams reach agreement. You can also bring in objective facilitators to ensure that everyone is fully engaged.

In the end, you’ll find that disciplined collaboration leads to greater harmony throughout your organization. And that actually speeds up your company’s ability to deliver innovation in today’s market.
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