Launching MATLAB® Software on The Fluke RSE600 & RSE300 Mounted Infrared Cameras


In this video, see what's included with Your Fluke RSE Series Mounted Infrared Camera.

Introducing mounted Fluke infrared cameras – the RSE series. Equipped with advanced features and software plug-ins to MATLAB® and LabVIEW®, these tools are ideal for continuously streaming and analyzing infrared data.

Designed for your research, science and engineering needs, enhance your testing and quality assurance procedures by mounting the RSE600 to your workstation with 640 x 480 resolution. Continuously stream up to 60 frames of data per second directly to your computer to monitor minute temperature differences, and analyze videos frame-by-frame remotely from SmartView® desktop software. Enhance your viewing experience with optional add-on lenses to target different applications (analyzing from a distance, or getting the close-up details).

With plug-ins to MATLAB® and LabVIEW®, the RSE Infrared Cameras are ideal for testing and development. Looking for a more robust software to monitor and archive process manufacturing data 24/7? We recommend the ThermoView® series by Fluke Process Instruments. See a quick comparison

For more information about the Fluke RSE600 Mounted Infrared Camera, visit the Fluke website here:
Fluke Networks
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