Wi-Fi and BLE Location 101: Location-As-A-Service via the Cloud

Cloud management for Wi-Fi and BLE location services and analytics are changing the game. Why? In addition to enterprises being able to locate their employees, guest users, and assets, operations become more efficient. Capabilities such as personalized customer engagement, and real-time and historical monitoring of workflows and assets, are now a critical part of an organization’s Wi-Fi networking solution.

Join us for this session where David Coleman, Product Director in the CTO Office, will cover:
• The ins and outs of indoor location services for Wi-Fi and BLE
• Various features including presence, zone tracking, asset tracking, heatmaps, and crowding alarms
• How to utilize cloud-managed location analytics to provide business insights
• An Introduction of ExtremeLocation Essentials

To learn more about our Wi-Fi and BLE location services and analytics, please visit https://www.extremenetworks.com/products/extremewireless/
Extreme Networks
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