WomenTech Global Conference Keynote from Sharon Mandell

This is a replay of a keynote given by Sharon Mandell, SVP and CIO of Juniper Networks, during the WomenTech Global Conference from June 7 - 10, 2022.

"How to Achieve Better Business Outcomes by Creating an Inclusive Workplace"

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed women’s participation in the workforce to lows not seen in decades, a scenario particularly acute in the tech sector that has chronically suffered from a lack of female and diverse representation at all ranks. Simultaneously, organizations are reeling from the impact of the “Great Resignation”, with talent difficult to find. In this session, I will address the challenges and opportunities I see for companies to use this unique time to redesign their approach to diverse hiring. As a CIO at a global tech company, I will also share my perspective on the business benefits of an inclusive workforce.
Juniper Networks
The Great Resignation, Diversity, Inclusion
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