January 2018 - DevTest Community Webcast - DevTest 10.2 & How to Upgrade

Replay of the DevTest community webcast held on January 18, 2018.

Topic: What's New in DevTest 10.2 & How to Upgrade

At the start of the New Year, we reflect and create our 2018 resolutions. The DevTest Community Webcast on Thursday, January 18th at 11 AM ET can help you with 2 resolutions around Service Virtualization.

Maximize Value – This webcast will review the latest and greatest features on our latest Service Virtualization 10.2 release.
Stay Current – We’ll show you a few steps and best practices to help you take action and upgrade to our latest version 10.2

We’ll also be at hand to answer any questions you may have. Make sure to start out 2018 on the “right foot” with your Continuous Testing goals. We will see you there!

Check out the full DevTest 10.2 GA Announcement here: https://communities.ca.com/community/ca-devtest-community/blog/2017/12/14/ca-service-virtualization-v102-now-ga
ca sv, ca service virtualization, ca devtest solutions
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