Everything-as-a-Service: Is your organisation ready?

What do organisations and IT departments really need in order to digitally transform and be competitive? Buzzwords and benefits are bandied around but as-a-Service is suffering from a serious lack of clarity!

Michael Bird untangles the radical aaS revolution - a journey that starts with Salesforce, makes a few stops on the hybrid cloud highway, and culminates on the precipice of the digital age.

We tackle cloud architecture and infrastructure with Paul Kennedy, to explore how you can get the best of both worlds and achieve the perfect trifecta: scalability, simplicity, and speed. Scott Thomson and Reuben Melville explain the new consumption model, from agility to utility billing. Plus, Tony Clement discusses the challenges organisations are facing to stay innovative and competitive, and why real transformation comes from within.

The long show notes for this episode can be found here: https://community.hpe.com/t5/hpe-blog-uk-ireland/everything-as-a-service-is-your-organisation-ready-technology/ba-p/7095657 (https://community.hpe.com/t5/hpe-blog-uk-ireland/artificial-intelligence-should-you-start-looking-for-a-new-job/ba-p/7093591#.XzJvQChueUk)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
HPE, artificial intelligence, edge to cloud
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