Steer and Monitor Progress with Rally’s Plan Progression

In this Rally product training video, you will learn how to track the progress of a published Capacity Plan with Rally’s Plan Progression.

It takes both skill and experience to account for the unknowable circumstances that can impact a plan in any direction. As a manager of outcomes, you need a source of truth about how a plan is progressing.

If you’re a program manager, a release train engineer, or a stakeholder for a feature you’ve been promised, Rally’s Plan Progression page will show you how your delivery plan is rolling out at any point in time. Is there evidence of unplanned scope creep? Have the teams needed to remove work from scope? Is the organization on track to deliver everything that was promised?

Rather than schedule meeting after meeting to track progress, you can use Plan Progression to find out quickly if your teams are on track to deliver, and if not, why.

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Rally Software, Capacity Planning, Plan Progression
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