Meet Extreme Switching - Episode 5

In this final episode we are going to uncover the mystery of some technical terms that are often thrown about.

It’s easy to get lost when networking people talk about VRRP, VPEX, AVB, QOS and others but we try and explain these concepts in enough detail to give the viewers an understanding of what these technologies are all about without getting bogged down on technical depth.

We then show off the elegance of EXOS / Switch engine by showing some of the more common tasks that network administrators and engineers would do on a regular basis.

We close with Claire explaining how you can go about taking and passing the Exam (which is required for you to engage in our Professional Program Training Series). Remember, the entire course and exam is 100% free.

0:00 Start
01:36 Further Acronyms
01:51 VPEX, AVB, QOS, VRRP Protocol
16:01 The Big Picture - Edge, Aggregation, and Core
16:53 Certification Exam
Extreme Networks
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