[REPLAY] PPM & Power BI – Breaking Barriers to Data Transparency – June 22, 2018

Topic Name: PPM & Power BI – Breaking Barriers to Data Transparency

Presenter Name and Title: Matthew Palicki, Project Portfolio Manager, O-I

Topic Description: As O-I pursues its philosophy of “One Enterprise, One Team, One Plan”, timely and accurate PPM data is a non-negotiable tenet in order to execute the enterprise strategy. Diverse systems of record, varying levels of process and organizational maturity, and a globally dispersed population present challenges in delivering the right information to senior leaders at the right time. O-I has established an Enterprise Project Management office and is learning how to leverage the Power BI business analytics platform delivered through CA PPM OData connectors, and how it can support the needs of the Global Leadership Team. From monitoring in-flight investments via Risks and Issues dashboards and other project KPIs, to analyzing historical and current trends on the throughput of investments in the Portfolio, see how Power BI will deliver the on-demand, self-service access required by senior leaders and decision makers in order to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

Bio: With over 15 years’ experience at O-I and seven as a PPM leader, Matthew is passionate about leveraging people, processes, and technology to enable the organization make the best possible decisions in order to execute the enterprise strategy. Matthew came to O-I with a background in Engineering/CAD Systems support, and transitioned into a PPM role with the emergence of a formalized Project Management Office within O-I. Matthew holds certifications as Project Management Professional (PMP), Agile Certified Scrum Master, LSS Green Belt, and ITIL Service Management, but the greatest asset in his toolkit is the diverse and skilled team of professionals he has been blessed to have built around him. Matthew is a proud father of five and enjoys running, fitness training, traveling, and is an unashamed science fiction / comic book geek.
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