#CiscoChat Live - Accelerating your security maturation journey with MITRE ATT&CK

As a security expert, you are tasked with protecting your environment. You see the value of the MITRE ATT&CK framework but feel overwhelmed by the 14 Tactics, 177 Techniques, and 348 Sub-techniques and you’re not sure where to begin. Without having a firm understanding of the ATT&CK use case you are applying to your environment, you won’t be able to take advantage of the benefits. 

Join our discussion on the latest version of ATT&CK and the expansion of TTPs in v8. We will share ways the framework can accelerate your security maturation journey, covering use cases for ATT&CK at each phase, from closing and assessing gaps to threat hunting, all helping you save time and energy and improve your security posture.
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