Continuous Testing: Test Early - Test Often - Don’t Test After The Fact

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Continuous Testing: BlazeMeter Tech Evangelist & Developer Advocate, Dave Karow, insists that software testing should be done by anyone who needs feedback. “If an enterprise is going to have a continuous flow of software, then they need to institute continuous testing. You can’t create software and then wait for someone to test it after the fact.”

According to Dave, Continuous Testing means developers can begin testing as soon as they commit code. “The test doesn’t get built afterward … the test gets committed with the code and it gets run every time the code get’s touched.” Continuous Testing is about having fast feedback to impact quality sooner in the SDLC.

CA Technologies achieved the highest score in Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for Software Testing Automation report for Continuous Testing and API Testing.

Download the full Gartner report:
Continuous Testing, CA Technologies, BlazeMeter
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