Smart Cities: Where are they?

The modern city is changing. With 66% of the population expected to be living in cities by 2050, it's no surprise we're focusing our transformative efforts there. But if the tech's already here, what's the hold up?

Today, host Michael Bird is joined by HPE Chief Technologist Ian Henderson, Jen Hawes-Hewitt of the Smart London Board, and Kirk Bresniker, Chief Architect and Hewlett Packard Labs, to discover dichotomy of big dreams and logistical nightmares of getting smart city initiatives off the ground. We discuss the role of big data and the individual, why a siloed smart city is destined to fail, and how re-imagining cities post COVID might just bring about some much needed sustainable change.

The long show notes for this episode can be found here:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
HPE, artificial intelligence, edge to cloud
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