April 2012 - Webcast Replay - CA IT Client Manager r12.5 SP1


CA Client Automation (CA IT Client Manager) r12.5 SP1 is available! Join us to learn about the new features included such as Automated Migrations for Windows desktop migrations, VDI Management for VMware View, CA Business Intelligence Reporting and more. Additionally, we will have a guest speaker from the CA ecoSoftware group give a demonstration of CA ecoDesktop. CA ecoDesktop can help you manage power across a broad range of PCs and other desktop devices to show the potential for savings in your environment — while keeping user disruption to a minimum. CA ecoDesktop is designed to deliver a rapid return on investment by reducing energy waste and increasing staff productivity. This desktop power management solution provides a visible 'green IT' initiative designed to lower operating costs, reduce carbon emissions and minimize energy consumption.
CA Technologies, ITCM, Client Manager
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