Whiteboard Technical Series: Reinforcement Learning

The whiteboard technical series explores some of the key tools within our Data Science toolbox that powers the AI-Driven Enterprise. The Juniper/Mist AI platform uses Reinforcement Learning to perform tasks like Radio Resource Management to optimize the RF radio waves that transmit network traffic in wireless LANs. The benefits of using reinforcement learning for RRM are simple, it allows network customized RRM policies per site, creating a wireless coverage environment akin to a well-tailored suit.

For more videos in this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGvolzhkU_gRu2Sq3O3yKpo8u0h3-NNe6

To learn more about Real AI in Networking: https://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/ai-machine-learning/
Juniper Networks
Artificial Intelligence, AI, Data Science
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