Puzzle Pieces The Size Of Houses Inside The Fab | Intel

Meet Alikie Counihan, Layout Integration Program Manager at Intel. Her job is to design and plan fabrication facility layouts to optimize production efficiencies, or, as she puts it, putting equipment the size of a house inside [a fab facility] the size of a football field.

Within the Fabs, even 1/8th of an inch can make all the difference when it comes to tool placement. Alikie and her team insure that efficiencies of real estate are made in order to optimize the production of Intel products. It's like a big puzzle, and luckily for us, Alikie and her team are very good at puzzles.

Check out Alikie's story, and stay tuned for more stories "Inside the Fab" at Intel.

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Puzzle Pieces The Size Of Houses Inside The Fab | Intel
puzzle pieces the size of houses inside the fab, program manager, optimize
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