Every Enterprise Network Needs a CoPilot

ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot is your 24/7 trusted digital advisor.

ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot detects network anomalies and identifies root causes through Explainable AI, saving time and reducing risk. CoPilot is designed to deliver explainable artificial intelligence (AI) insights for IT network administrators, enabling them to quickly resolve well-known but highly complex issues. ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot is relentlessly calibrated against an array of negative test cases and is 99% false alarm free. This allows IT teams to trust the validity of recommendations and spend less time on manual reviews.

In a similar concept to how commercial aviation became safer and cockpit operations became more efficient when the co-pilot function was introduced, network administrators can finally realize those same benefits with CoPilot. CoPilot provides network administrators with an AI assistant that can more easily monitor highly distributed network environments, reducing the risk of missing potential network issues and lessening time spent on network management.

To learn more about CoPilot or see a demo, please visit https://www.extremenetworks.com/copilot/.
Extreme Networks
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