Taking CA Service Management beyond IT at Woolworths SA for More Value – September 27, 2018

Taking CA Service Management beyond IT at Woolworths SA for More Value

Many CA Service Management (CASM) customers are receiving added business value using the solution outside of IT in internal and external facing use cases. In this first webcast in a multi-webcast series, Woolworths SA presents how they are using CASM in non-IT use cases and the value they are receiving. Use cases covered will include requests and issues associated with facilities maintenance, stock management between their retail stores and distribution centers, and other examples. Attend and maybe find ways your organization can achieve greater return on your existing CASM investment by going beyond an IT service desk with CASM.

Presented by Qaneet Laher, Head of IT: Operations and Service, Woolworths SA
2018, september, webcast
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