CA Workload Automation in the Cloud – Breaking Down Barriers

The cloud changes everything. Your customers now expect the same level of service in their business lives that they can get in their personal lives. They expect to be able to go online, request a new application or compute resource, and receive it in a matter of minutes, not days or weeks. You need to deliver this level of service to the business or they are going to be looking for alternatives that can deliver more quickly.

Are you planning to automate your business in the cloud or are you just looking see what the hype is about? Learn how and why some of our customers have successfully made the move to being 100% cloud or hybrid with CA Workload Automation AE (formerly AutoSys™).

Learn how you can break down the barriers with a flexible automation approach to provide agility in deploying new IT services, while leveraging existing investments by mapping into the current infrastructure, processes, and environments.
workload automation, cloud, autosys
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