Palo Alto Networks Receives a Recommended Rating by NSS Labs for Advanced Endpoint Protection

If nearly every successful attack relies on compromising an endpoint, and most organizations have some form of endpoint protection deployed, why are infections still happening?

Unfortunately, even “protected” endpoints are still being breached, and far too frequently.

We’re changing this. Dramatically.

By combining multiple methods of prevention, Palo Alto Networks® Traps™ advanced endpoint protection uniquely protects endpoints from attacks that leverage malware, exploits and ransomware – before those attacks can compromise your endpoints.

This has been recognized by NSS Labs® in its 2018 Advanced Endpoint Protection Test Report, and we’re proud to have earned a Recommended rating – the highest NSS Labs offers.

In the 2018 AEP test, NSS Labs evaluated a variety of advanced endpoint protection products based on their ability to “detect, prevent, continuously monitor and take action against threats while providing end-to-end visibility through event logs generated by the endpoint product.” NSS Labs tested AEP products against a variety of malware, exploits, blended threats and evasions, as well as whether they generated any false positives during the test.

The test validates the power of Traps and the efficacy of its prevention-first approach.

Read the full report for details:
Palo Alto Networks
Traps, NSS Labs, Endpoint
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