Get to know Xsuite

A seemingly never-ending string of large scale data breaches across all sectors of the economy and government have had devastating effects on countless individuals — and irreparably damaged organizations of all kinds. It’s been proven that privileged users, and the accounts and credentials they use, are a crucial element in conducting a successful attack. But it’s possible to protect those users and stop data breaches in their tracks. In this webcast, we’ll explain how CA Privileged Access Manager (formerly Xsuite) and privileged access management can stop attackers at multiple points in the data breach life cycle, preventing damage and disruption. Join us to learn:
Who are privileged users and why are they important?
How do attackers exploit privileged users and their credentials to carry out breaches?
See a hands-on demonstration of CA Privileged Access Manager and learn how it can manage, control, and protect privileged users and credentials and your business assets.
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