AMF Auto-backup

This video shows how network back-ups can be automated with the Allied Telesis Management Framework (AMF)

Hi I'm Frank with Allied Telesis.
I work as a network administrator in a large Agile business environment, which basically means people move around a lot. Work groups will form for a little while and then they'll disband again.
We'll have a department using a specific work area for a little bit, they'll leave and a new group will come in and want to use the same area.

For me as a network administrator, that means data changes and a lot of them.

If a switch fails, its replacement needs to have all of the same configuration for all of those moves.
While network management applications exist in the market today they all seem to have some type of limitation.
The management software needs to be setup for each individual device, for their password and IP addresses and if they change you have to go in and make to changes independently to each device again.
Each network device needs to have a specific setup so that a backup server can back up their data and their configurations. The configurations can also contain their passwords or other sensitive information, so all those backups need to be storage securely.
Allied Telesis Management Framework, or AMF, provides a unique tool that's integrated directly into your network to do your network back-ups for you.

The AMF starts by having a master switch that controls the entire process for all of your network. There is no extra services or server required to get setup and configured. Each network device is enabled to do the back-ups automatically with no further user intervention required.
AMF performs the complete back-up of not only just the configuration but of all the firmware your scripts and your banner texts.
As new devices are implemented and integrated into your network they are automatically incorporated into this backup scheme with no further user intervention is required.
The restoration and back up for that configuration, is also done completely automatically.
The AMF master knows, based on where you connect the switch to, which switch it is replacing and what the configuration is it needs. All that information is pushed out to that device automatically with no intervention form the users.
The replacement unit will become an exact copy of the switch that its replacing and there is no other actions required by anybody other than simple hooking it up and powering it on.
AMF provides the most seamless and thorough device backup and restore solution available on the market today. Allied Telesis Management Framework is available on SwitchBlade and x series switches.
Allied Telesis
Allied Telesis (Organization), Software Defined Netowrking, SDN
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