5G: Do you want that slice to go?

Super-fast data transfer, ultra low latency, and high bandwidth don't seem to justify the astronomical cost of implementing 5G, especially when consumers aren't willing to pay for it!

Single use cases, exciting as they may be, don't justify the means. But could 5G as an enabler of other tech be the real value we're seeking?

Today, in part two of our 5G extravaganza, host Michael Bird is joined by HPE Chief Technologists Chris Dando and Matt Armstrong-Barnes. We discover what happens when testbeds and trials go big with 5G RuralDorset, Hewlett Packard Labs' Puneet Sharma offers up a slice of networking futurism, and Nokia's Leslie Shannon explains why our 5G devices are getting edgier by the second.

The long show notes for this episode can be found here: https://community.hpe.com/t5/HPE-Blog-UK-Ireland/5G-Do-you-want-that-slice-to-go/ba-p/7124135
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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