Big 5G Event Keynote Panel Discussion: Solving the Curious Case of 5G Monetization - Jai Thattil

5G is set to revolutionize the way businesses connect the people, places, and things that drive them. This new frontier of connectivity will open a myriad of new revenue-generating opportunities for operators as they shift focus towards B2B. However, what makes a 5G solution business-class to IT buyers? What are the adoption drivers and impediments? What role does service pricing play in the success of 5G?

Our panel of experts explore these issues and provide some insights learned from their long-standing enterprise and early mover 5G experiences. If you have launched or are contemplating a 5G for business offering, you won't want to miss this session.

• What is the business case for 5G?
• What 5G business models are emerging and how might we expect these to evolve in the coming years?
• How can operators look to differentiate their 5G offering from their competitors?
• With private 5G emerging as a key early use case, should operators play an important role both in the deployment and operational management of such networks?

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Cloud Metro - One Converged Metro for the 5G Era:

Maximizing the 5G Opportunity: Trailblazing for the next decade of services:
Juniper Networks
5G, Big 5G, ORAN
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