CA PPM Community Winter 2015 Webcast 20150203 1705 1

Welcome – Karen Beaudouin – Community President

Presentation - Project Management Processes by Jeffrey Bloom
CA PPM functionality continues to evolve as Project Management theory and practice matures. The Project Management Institute’s “Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)™” is one of the key drivers of this evolution. The Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification, based on the PMBOK, is becoming the required credential in many of the Project Management and Program Management Office organizations using CA PPM.
This presentation examines the 47 “Project Management Processes” described in the 5th edition of the PMBOK, and identifies how CA PPM features can be used to support each of them. This analysis will be particularly useful in showing a PMP who has not previously used CA PPM where the value is!

Jeffrey Bloom has specialized in CA (Clarity) PPM since 2002. He has gained extensive real world experience assisting 34 international organizations achieve the benefits of the advanced Project and Portfolio Management facilities provided by CA PPM. Jeffrey has been the Secretary of the CA Clarity Global User Group since its founding in 2007. He has also been the past VP programs for the Los Alamos Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and a member of the South Florida PMI Chapter.

Webcast, Community (Website Category), performance
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