City of Milwaukee Streamlines and Secures Critical Operations with Fabric

The City of Milwaukee spans 100 square miles with a population of 600,000 people. Its city-wide fiber network distributes resources to more than 100 buildings and 7,000 staff members. Many mission-critical city operations, like public safety dispatching and SCADA systems for water, sewer and traffic, rely on the security and resilience of the city’s IT infrastructure.

With major efforts underway to consolidate services and collaborate with isolated environments, the ability to seamlessly integrate remote sites while providing them with secure internet connectivity and services has become key to the city’s evolving IT needs and initiatives. Having first adopted Extreme’s Fabric technology in 2011, the city continues to adapt to the changing world with the flexibility and security offered by this agile approach to networking.

“Over the last 10 to 15 years, the city of Milwaukee has added a number of technologies and a number of applications for public safety,” said David Henke, Chief Information Officer for the City of Milwaukee. “Having to layer those on to the system, it becomes much easier with the Fabric solution to adapt those technologies and bring them online.”

Watch this video to learn how Henke and the City of Milwaukee’s IT Management Division are partnering with Extreme to streamline network configuration and simplify management of critical, city-wide operations and deliver a safer, better citizen experience.

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