#SHEOWNSIT: Karen Caplan, Frieda’s Specialty Produce – Los Alamitos, CA | Intel

As unique as the dried goji berries or smartichokes Frieda’s Specialty Produce imports, Karen Caplan runs the family business dedication and her unwavering entrepreneurial spirit. Her mother, 94-year-old Frieda, broke barriers in the male-dominated grocery business in the 1960s. Today, Caplan continues her mother’s legacy.

To learn more about Swati and Bhoomki Boutique visit iQ: http://iq.intel.com/she-owns-it-friedas-specialty-produce/

To learn more about how Intel supports small business visit: http://intel.com/smallbusiness

Intel provided Caplan with a new Dell XPS9360 laptop loaded with a 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor.

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#SHEOWNSIT: Karen Caplan, Frieda’s Specialty Produce – Los Alamitos, CA | Intel
sheownsit karen caplan, friedas specialty produce los alamitos, ca
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